Jana Lewitová

  Singing lessons
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Miloslav Student

     Miloslav Student, lutenist, graduated in musicology and aesthetics from the Masaryk University of Brno, where ho became interested in Renaissance and Baroque music, and founded the Flores musicae. He often accompanied Magdalena Kozena, who was also a member of the ensemble. He studed the luteunder P. Beier in Milan. Apart from his solo performances ho is much sought after as an accompanist and basso continuo player both at home and abroad, appearing with many weel-known singers (M. Kozena, Jana Lewitova, M.

Pospisil) and ensembles (Capella regia musicalis, Musicalische Compagney Berlin, Accademia della Musica antica Roveretto, Musica florea, Ritornello and others). Since 2002 he has teaching at the Masaryk University; his students learn to play the lute from original scores and manuscripts.