Jana Lewitová

  Singing lessons
  Česká verze         English version  

Agnes Kutas

     Agnes Kutas was born on Budapest, where she studied at the Academy of Arts. She then studied scenographics at the Prague Theatre Academy. Now living in Prague, she illustrates books, draws, works with textiles (hanging toys) and painting on glass (Motol's Children hospital).
     A violinist and singer (student of Jana Lewitova), she presents a unique repertoire of old Hungarian songs, as well as her own compositions.
     In year 2000 she and Jana Lewitova, Hana Flekova and Pavel Macak made a CD Hale dite (Lullaby baby); Agnes Kutas also designed the cover and illustrated the text).
     She performs (as musician and actress) with the Theatre Tuju, Montre d'image (Switzerland), Grand Theatret (Netherlands), Zluty KoPec, Archa, Pro&Contra (Vienna). She also performs with Jaroslav Koran (percussion) and the Ukrainin singer Katerina Kolcova.

webpage: www.agneskutas.xf.cz
Illustrated books:
Halász Marian:Kongybabák (Cloth Dolls)
Zsír Csocsó és társai (Tales from the Magic World of Chemistry)
Petöfi Sándor:A helység kalapácsa (The Hammer in the Room)
Arany János:A Jóka ördöge (Jóky the Devil)
Babits Mihály:Jónás könyre (Jonas' Book)